Wednesday, July 6, 2022

No More Bubble Wrap

All of a sudden it was June and then July and I am still trying to figure out what happened to May!

We ended our first year of school with a bang, including a joint birthday party for Oskar and 3 of his classmates, a family camping trip with 9 other families from Oskar’s class, a dance recital for Oskar and Alva’s ballet and tap classes, and confirmation from Alva’s teacher that the summer was for having fun so we should throw away our schedules and routines. 

We might have taken that last one a little too far.  A week after school got out, we headed up to the Lake for a week of fun with my parents, my sister, the kid cousins and the lake family.  The theme of the week was “no more bubble wrap”, meaning let the kids go crazy.  And we did.  They tubed. They ate popsicles. They rode in Grandpa’s truck without seatbelts. They had junk cereal for breakfast and Oskar caught fish for dinner.  They learned the art of the “prop check”.  Oskar went for a solo bike ride around the home sites with just his cousins. They stayed up late enough to see the stars. I am pretty sure they went 5+ days without a bath. 

And it was incredible!

When I was growing up my parents used to pick us up from the last day of school and we would head up straight to the lake for at least one week of fun.  After this past week, I can’t wait to start this as our family tradition as well.

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