Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Trip Around the World

The weekend of May 3-5 bore witness to some historical events: The Kentucky Derby, Cinco De Mayo and my Bachelorette Party.  All were as equally classy, trashy and fun as the others. 

After hosting countless bachelorette parties as a group, I was amazed at the creativity, thought and love that went into this weekend.  The theme was centered around the trademark of Martin and my relationship:  red roses, Coors Light and all of our trips around the world.  The first night in town (in Tahoe to be exact), we celebrated all of the trips and distances Martin and I have had to go through in our relationship through a progressive dinner.  We enjoyed weiss wein gespritzers in Switzerland, wine and cheese in France, beer and brats in Germany, shotskies in Italy and an Italian Dinner at home in North Beach, complete with construction hats for the renovations Martin and I had completed.

The second day started just as classy and thoughtful, with brunch at the house and a few games…I embarrassingly lost the game that required I guess the givers of certain presents, but I made up for it by winning the game that questioned how well I knew Martin.  At the end of both games, all girls including myself were equally inebriated.   We had some down time before dinner which resulted in a dancing aerobics lesson from Neff and McKane, a quick visit to the neighbors for more ice and an introduction to ourselves in ten years.  

With one car load ready to go to dinner, a few of us went to Sunnyside for one more drink before dinner while the rest of the girls got ready.  In hindsight, it was all part of the plan.  I was greeted at dinner with a table full of Coors Light bottles with red roses and the girls serenading me with something like this:

Although I am not 100% sure the delivery was as good.

The night continued to a bar where, being the majority of the patrons, we owned the juke box.  And with complete control (much to the chagrin of the bouncer, bartender and five other paying customers) we had our choice of songs to sing along to at the top of our lungs.   Whether intentional or not, we may have sounded somewhat like this:

As a side note, we later went home and watched screaming goat videos until we passed out.

The sing along and overall night ended with Dana and me choreographing a dance to our favorite 1980s song “Two of Hearts” by Stacey Q in the bar parking lot before being told it was time to go.

We officially ended the weekend like all good ones prior – with a solid brunch and two pukers… I could have sworn it was a mellow weekend, but looking back, I guess that isn’t quite true.  Thanks ladies for such an amazing weekend!!

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