Saturday, May 11, 2013

One Good Meal

My niece recently proclaimed during dinner of Little Caesars Pizza “this is one good meal”.  My sister was heartbroken, but I can relate, a good meal deserves to be acknowledged whether it is classy or not.  Unfortunately for me, I have had one too many “one good meals” these past few weeks and have officially put myself back on the blueprint cleanse.  Upon reflection, it needed to happen.

The binge began innocently enough on Wednesday, April 24 with a team lunch at Le Mar in San Francisco where I ate two baskets of fried plantains and had to inhale my bacon-wrapped scallops in order to make it to the Giants day-game with my brother on time.  From the game, I flew directly to Vegas and spent two days eating by myself.  Without anyone to judge me, I went to town… I even left people I knew at a bar to go to a restaurant by myself for their beef tartar and foie gras.  

The following Monday was my brother’s birthday and we managed to get reservations at La Folie.  With an introduction to the chef from Cody’s boss, our 5 course meal turned into 11.  And by the time the first plate I had actually ordered arrived (course 6) I was ready for the bill and doggy bag.  I struggled through each course, willing myself to eat the delicious food and not insult the chef. I somehow made it through, however I was so full I couldn’t eat until the next evening.    And to make matters worse, Martin and I had plans on Wednesday night with friends and date night out on Thursday. 

To top off the gluttoness week, this past weekend was my bacholerette party in Tahoe.  And with two pregnant friends in attendance, the focus was on food as much as the alcohol.  We left the mountain on Sunday afternoon and I was in serious pain from the previous two weeks…so much so that I requested a pit stop for Pepto and Tums.  It was time for a reset.

With the wedding 5 weeks away and the cleanse mid-way through, I am feeling less than ready to put on that big white dress…next week, crash courses in Pilates to work off the remainder!

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