Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Granny Fran Applesauce Part II

A few years back, I spent a Saturday afternoon at my grandparent’s house learning Granny Fran’s secret and world famous applesauce recipe.  Equipped with my own Foley Mill, I left her house ready to carry on the tradition.  This past weekend, I got a chance to do just that. 
On Saturday, with Martin on his way home from Norway, the kids and I spent the afternoon with my parents in Lafayette and as always, they sent us home with fresh vegetables and fruit from their garden including apples from their tree.  And it was with those apples that Oskar and I made applesauce with on Sunday morning.

He helped wash and cut the apples, putting them carefully in the pot.  He patiently waited for the water to boil and apples to turn soft.  Using all of this strength, he helped to turn the Foley Mill and mush the apples into the pan.  And he even helped spoon the cooked applesauce through the funnel and into the mason jar.   

Adding the cut apples...

Do you think we have enough?

Final taste test.  We passed!