Sunday, September 29, 2019

Single Parenting

Last week, Martin took off for 8 days to Norway for his annual (now biannual) fishing trip with his buddies. I had a year to mentally and physically prepare myself... and lock in some assistance from my parents. By Saturday morning, the fridge was stocked, meals were planned and prepped, laundry was empty and I was ready.

Despite some unexpected snafus (poop in the bath, pee on the floor, puke on my shoulder, puke in the toilet, tears at drop off, failed breakie, hot chills and cold sweats… you know the usual, it was an awesome week and made me realize just how cool my two kids are.
We had lunch with my parents and grandparents and saw some friends in the East Bay, we went to the library, played on the playground, made funny face pizzas, created Amazon box forts that kept the two entertained for hours, ran up and down the hallway, found a workable and then fun bedtime routine and even became super heroes.  Over the course of the week I got some pleases and thank yous and some really big hugs.  And through it all I still managed to get some sleep, get some work done, make full breakies most mornings including waffles, chocolate pancakes, and French toast, do some laundry, keep the house in order, and make sure they brushed their teeth and washed their hands.

By Friday afternoon I think I finally hit my stride… thankfully Martin came home on Saturday so we didn’t actually have to test it out.

Taken just a few hours after Martin left... it is just water, but sums up how I was feeling...

Nap time with Grandpa

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Big Hair Don’t Care in Austin

This past weekend I got to celebrate my friend Leah and her upcoming marriage to her fiancé Chase. The location of debauchery was Austin TX.

I can’t tell you much about the actual city, where I was or what it would be like to live there, but I can tell you I had an amazing, side splitting, perfectly instagramable weekend with these lovely women. 


#whitehorsehonkeytonk #holdmybeer #holdmypurse #triplefisting #bachelorparty #wingman #followtheblonds #Ijustwannadance

#LakeAustin  #toooldtomatch  #unicornlove #unicornfail #Iamlaughing #Iamcrying #beergutormomgut #Imonaboat 
 #whiteclawsummer #coorslight #Jell-Oshots #daydrinking

#LakeAustin #CaptainKendrick #wherearethemen 

#Launderette #drunkplateau #toomuchfood #watermelonschrubwithvodka #birthdaycakesandwich #datingabrother

#RaineyStreet #Bungalow #Lucilles #cornhole #vodkawater #damnitshot

#LaPerla #seafoodtower #daydrinking #coffeewatercocktail #brunchsohard

#bootshopping #tequilashots  #salesmanNoah #Iboughtaboat #dinosucculents,

#poolparty #animalsafari #lingerie #bridetribe #roseallday #spritzers #queso

#Iwokeuplikethis #smashed #elleraapparel #70svibe #bffs #thechaseisup #timetogohome 

Monday, September 9, 2019

Down By the River

After a fun Thanksgiving weekend at Dunsmuir last year, I told Martin I wanted to spend the first week of September up at house exploring the area and relaxing. We invited a few friends and thankfully, unlike our week at the Lake over the fourth, our plans to spend a week at Dunsmuir was not cut short due to work!

We drove up Saturday midday and our friends Roxanne, Rico and their daughter Rory joined us just before dinner.  After an easy homemade dinner, the adults began to fully appreciate what a family trip meant… we had a relaxed evening on the couch drinking wine and beer while Rory and Oskar ran around the house playing monster.

Erin and Josh and their two kids Alton and Joanna joined us Sunday morning and, after packing up half of the house, we drove up to Castle Lake for an early day on the lake and picnic. We were also joined at the lake by another family from San Francisco, who Roxanne and Rico knew and happened to staying in Shasta that weekend! The fun continued after the lake with dinner at the house… 8 adults, five kids and two babies noshed on burgers and salad, along with a few beers and wine, later that evening. The kids again had a great time entertaining themselves allowing the adults a few moments to actually relax and enjoy a conversation.

Alton and family left Monday morning and Rory and family left Tuesday morning, giving the four Breuers a chance for a night to ourselves before the next wave a family and friends arrived… After a night alone on Tuesday, my parents arrived on Wednesday and our friends Jen, Scott and Elsie joined Friday night for our last two nights in town.

During the week and following weekend we spent the time riding bikes, picking blackberries, watching trains, smashing pennies, swimming in the creeks, checking out the different playgrounds and exploring different attractions including McCloud Falls.

Even after a week, there was still plenty to explore.  And yet even better, we headed back home, fully relaxed and recharged.

Castle Lake with Alton 
The whole gang at Castle Lake

Roxanne leading storytime with Alton, Rory and Oskar

Super dad...

Playing down by the river just out front of the house
Berry picking 
Followed by blackberry crumble later that night

Swimming at Castle Creek 

Biker gang

Oskar with a real biker gang

Looking for trains! 

McCloud Falls
"hot tub"

Final night in town.  Dinner and watching the trains.  

Summer Vacations

Growing up, my summers were defined by two book end trips to my favorite places in the world: the summer kick-off at the Lake and a week camping in Dunsmuir in August.

I have such amazing and fond memories of these summer vacations, with each year marking new milestones and life moments.

And after realizing how special these places and experiences were and are to me, I am now trying to focus on spending more time at the Lake, Dunsmuir and Timber Cove and allowing Oskar and Alva the chance to create their own life long memories…instead of chasing the next big and crazy adventure. So this year, we spent five days at the lake over Fourth of July and one week at Dunsmuir over Labor Day weekend. Below are the stories: