Monday, July 23, 2007

Orange Cinema

Sunday Night I had the opportunity to go to Orange Cinema to see the Swiss Premiere of Death Proof, the new Tarentino movie. The movie was great and I would definitely recommend it to everyone, but the movie itself did not prompt a blog entry, the experience of Orange Cinema did.

Orange Cinema is the name of an outdoor theater that Zurich sets up on the lake every summer for about four weeks. The screen is raised over the lake and seats are seat up bleacher style on the beach. Tickets, unlike most theaters in Zuirch, were open seating (no reservations). So, in order to get a good seat, you have to get there early. I went with a group of friends, three of whom went early to save spots. Once the seats were taken care of there were three different booths to buy dinner at and two different bars for drinks. We enjoyed our dinner over looking the lake, drank a few cold beers and then sat back to watch the movie. The view was not only amazing, but the clean air was as refreshing as the cold beers, ice cream and sodas we were able to enjoy throughout the movie.

I am going back next week to see Little Miss Sunshine and can’t wait!

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