Friday, September 28, 2007

I would like some Swiss and Cheese

After this past Tuesday evening, I feel the integration into Swiss life has officially begun. The night began with a new Swiss “friend” and drinks at the Storchen Bar. We had met the previous weekend at a club called Zic Zac and decided to meet up for a few drinks Tuesday night. When Tuesday finally showed up, to be quite honest I was a bit concerned given 1) I couldn’t really remember what he looked like (since I don’t trust my eye sight at 2am on a Friday without my glasses) and 2) well, I vaguely remember his English not being too strong.

Needless to say I was pleasantly surprised when I re-met him Tuesday night! (Dad don’t worry I am still coming home after my rotation). We ended up having great conversations and despite the cultural differences, (i.e. the Swiss tend to be incredibly, painfully polite) we had a few good laughs.

I ended the evening with the new Swiss, like any lady would, early (8:30) and headed off to meet my friends for my first Swiss Fondue!! I showed up a little late, but just in time to see the pot of boiling, oozing cheese set down on the table. So amazing!! I am a I just have to visit the Alps.

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