Monday, February 25, 2008

The Griswalds - Part 2

Before and after the week in Zermatt the family had two nights in Zurich to check out the city that is now my home. On the front end of the vacation, I took the parents, both sets, on a tour of the city which included the cities most famous site (most of which were still unseen by me) including Gross Munster, Frau Munster, Sternen Grill at Bellevue, Zeughauskeller and Spruengli in Paradeplatz, Old Town “Niederdorf”, fondue at Dezaley and a few watch stores.

On the tail end of the trip, all 10 guests were in town. And unfortunately, after the standard 2 hour tour of Zurich, provided the weekend, half of the group had seen all of the city. So I sent the parents to Lucern and the kids went on a good ol’ fashion Sunday pub crawl. What a better way to end the vacation!

I said my good-byes Monday morning at the train station and experienced the bitter sweet pain, of finally having my house back, at the price as saying good-bye. Seriously, thank you everyone who came out to visit. I hope you had as good of a trip as I did (minus the snooty waiter at dinner on Saturday night in Zurich…seriously who charges CHF 4 for a tap water!).

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