Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Life as an Auditor

Contrary to popular belief, I do in fact have a job. I just choose not to blog about it because, well, it isn’t that exciting… boring really. So boring it would bring a normal person to tears. However, due to events beyond my control, my job recently took over my life, against my will, causing no time for life, much less blogging, so my apologies for the month of in-activity.

To start with, my name is Lisa, and I am an auditor. It is my responsibility to ensure a Company’s financial statements used by investors are reasonable. A normal auditing day would consist of coffee, team meetings, understanding the business, documenting that understanding, reviewing that understanding documented by others, long lunches, more meetings, recalculating a few numbers, and an early happy hour.

During “busy season”, the time when the financial statements are prepared and therefore need to be audited, the day is about the same, except dinner is typically with the team and happy hour is around 8pm, not 5pm. An occasional Saturday of work is included for good measure, however that day is typically spent rehashing the previous night’s outing and trying to figure out how you lost the group/your purse and/or shoes after the happy hour.

During this busy season, however, due to unexpected issues announced during my trip to Zermatt, the happy hours ceased to exist all together, in addition to all weekends, holidays and firm sponsored ski weekends. My life as I knew it (traveling, happy hours, Sunday brunches, etc) was officially put on hold beginning February 19….and I just got it back exactly one month later (celebrated with a trip to Barcelona, of course).

The good news is that busy season is over for another year and hopefully by then I will have forgotten all about the pain and trauma of the past month and only remember the good happy times, such as happy hours, long lunches and an amazing amount of time off. (I hear the effects and pain of child birth is similar)

Alright, that is the last you will ever hear of my job…back to the good stuff.

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