Sunday, July 24, 2011

10 Reasons to Quit Your Job

The below post has been a work in progress since last September when I decided the world of public accounting probably wasn’t for me. I always told myself that if I could come up with 10 valid reasons to leave my job, I would put in my notice. Unfortunately for me, this list was complete well before I had another opportunity lined up, and being the risk adverse accountant, refused to quit without one . Thankfully, that is no longer the case (after 8 years of auditing and I am finally leaving).
So here it goes:

  1. You have thoughts and desires of getting into an accident severe enough to warrant time off, but minor enough for no permanent damage

  2. You envy the homeless man on the street corner with his shopping cart, sleeping bag and radio who, instead of going to work, gets to hang out and enjoy a sunny Tuesday afternoon

  3. You sit on your bed each morning fully clothed for at least 15 minutes trying to talk yourself into leaving your house

  4. You have cried more than twice at work

  5. You secretly wish for food poisoning every time you eat sushi and you no longer shy away from the Monday All You Can Eat special at the dodgy looking joint with a funky smell

  6. You have seriously considered taking up smoking just for an excuse to leave the building at odd hours of the day

  7. You’ve considered marrying a wealthy gay man with a great apartment and in need of a green card just so you can avoid work for a few years

  8. You begin losing your hair and/or gaining weight from the stress

  9. Pregnancy would guarantee 4 valid months off…6 with bed rest

  10. You just don’t care enough anymore to put in the extra effort you always prided yourself on.

There you have it, my list of reasons that has been complete since March. Coming up with reasons to leave was easy, finding a job to leave for was a little harder.

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