Sunday, March 24, 2013

Only in San Francisco

What could be better than watching one of your favorite episodes of Sex and the City with a cosmopolitan in hand…seeing two episodes performed live by drag queens!   Yes, only in San Francisco, will you see a running show of Sex and The City Episodes acted out live and on stage by larger than life drag queens.

I read about the show in my Sunday newspaper back in January and I knew it was something that I had to do.  Originally intended for a girls night, the group was expanded to include boyfriends and co-workers once Martin claimed he wanted to participate (yes, he has been a big fan of the show since watching the entire series with me in Switzerland).  We settled on last Wednesday night and organized the crowds. 

With cosmopolitan in hand, we settled into our seats and got ready for the show.  And what a show it was.  The women were perfectly portrayed (slutty Samantha, realistic but trying to be sexy Miranda, innocent Charlotte, and the slightly ditzy, slightly confused but trying to be genuine Carrie…okay so maybe not spot on as compared to the original show, but rather when taking the originals to the extreme), the clothes were over the top ridiculous, the sarcasm and humor was dry and the only thing more amazing than the outrageous story lines from the original show was watching drag queens and men act it out on stage…yes, even the bedroom scenes.    So San Francisco and an experience to be enjoyed for any true SATC fan.

And even better, what started off as a limited engagement will now be extended with new episodes every three months…I know where I will be in June!

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