Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Two Halves Make A Whole...right?

Because if so, I have officially run a marathon!  Well sort of...in the past week, I have finished two half marathons so I would say that counts. 

One typically low day back in April, I signed myself and my mom up for the San Luis Obispo City to Sea Half Marathon (my mom was unaware about the entry, but more on that later) and in a moment of weakness I thought I would try my luck at the Nike Women's Half Marathon lottery...what were the odds of me getting into the event?...Unfortunately for me, the odds were in my favor.  In the blink of an eye (or three clicks of the mouse) I was officially signed up to complete two half marathons one week apart. 

The first part of training; convince my mom to join me for the first one...Thankfully she was willing and ready (or I am one hell of a salesman) and we were set to go!

Our first attempt at training didn't go as planned:  we were slowed down by two munchkins on a century bike ride (aka one mile ride) while Martin and Ray completed their own super century (aka 140 mile ride).  But thankfully with a full week off between jobs, my mom and I were able to capitalize on the weekday freedom and get in a nine mile walk just a few weeks later. To ensure we walked the full distance we called in the sag wagon (aka my dad) to come pick us up a few towns over rather than turning back mid-way. And like a good sag wagon, he treated us to refreshments and food at the nearby deli afterwards.

Our training continued individually and we reconvened two weekends ago in Pismo for the big day.  True to Gimbel form, the entire family came to show their support. 

We woke up early Sunday morning and got a jump start on the course before the sun was up.   The miles melted away as the sun rose and the valley fog burned off... And, left with no other distractions, obligations or things to do, it was the perfect opportunity to catch up with my mom.  As always, I was left amazed at how strong and supportive she is of me, the family and all of our crazy whims. 

We crossed the finished line just before 10am and took the opportunity to stretch while the family came to find us.  It was the perfect morning and even better after I enjoyed my chocolate milkshake at breakfast. 
In stark contrast, was the Nike Woman's marathon, completed less than 7 days later...With no one to talk to during the 13.1 miles, the event seemed more like a pink and estrogen filled chore than a fun outing with friends…but hey, I got my Tiffany necklace at the end so I can’t complain too much!   

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