Friday, December 24, 2021

A Christmas Miracle

This is Blue. He has been with Oskar since Oskar came home from the hospital. He has travelled everywhere with us and is Oskar’s favorite friend. Come bedtime, they are inseparable.

That was until Wednesday night the week before Christmas while I was off enjoying my quarantined forced staycation. Blue was missing at bedtime and, after an hour of searching and an hour of tears, Martin and Oskar finally gave up and Oskar went to sleep without his Blue in over 5.5 years.

While most likely still in the house (Martin searched everywhere including the garbage he had taken down earlier that week), Blue appeared to be officially missing. And so life went on without Blue and, coincidentally or not, Oskar joined us in bed most nights thereafter.

That is until Christmas Eve, when all seemed lost, we found Blue! I was grabbing a new pair of pajamas from Oskar’s closet and found him in the bin along with all of his other pajamas.  I haven’t seen Oskar that genuinely happy or full of joy in a really long time.

It was a Christmas miracle!!

As a side note, I realize that at some point Oskar will most likely outgrow Blue and move on, I mean he will go to college eventually, but it was heartbreaking to think it wasn't on Oskar's terms. 

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