Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rome – Back Again

Exactly one year and one month ago, I threw my last EUR 10 cent over my shoulder into the Fountain of Trevi, with the wish to return again some day. And while there are plenty of other wished I had hoped would come true first (early retirement, true love, world peace), I am glad that I had the chance to see Rome again (and this time with full funds available).

We arrived in Rome in time for dinner at Trattoria el Pallora, a great Italian restaurant near Campo di Fiori, and our hotel, where menus were not required. The four course meal was determined by what the owner/chef (a cute old Italian woman) decided to cook that day.

The following day was spent seeing all of the sites (and included actually entering some of the historic museums)! We began with the Vatican City in the morning, enjoying the Sistine Chapel, but finding St. Peter’s Basillica to be more astounding. We entered the historic Coliseum and witnessed ferocious beasts (as known as alley cats) in the labyrinth below the main floor. And we wrapped up the tour with yet another wish and a Euro tossed into the Fountain of Trevi. It was fun to back in the city and be able to navigate my way around without the use of a map, but with the knowledge of someone who had been there before. I felt like a relative local (relative, since I clearly wasn’t, but I was able to show my friends around and take them to all of the fun places I had discovered on my last trip in town).

With an early flight to Paris in the morning, we savored our last Italian dinner and enjoyed a few after dinner drinks at Abbey Tavern before heading to bed.

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