Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 45

On Day 45 of work without holiday and over 50 days without leaving the country, I am starting to fall in to the slow painful rut of my profession, accounting. And this routine is beginning to feel more like Groundhogs Day (the movie, not the day, which incidentally happens to be one of my favorite holidays in the US) than an actual career. The mind numbing routine is so tedious that the only thing getting me through, but also might be driving me slowly mad, is the melody of Leo Bloom's accounting song from the Producers. Just to get a taste, here are the first few chords:

Unhappy...unhappy..very unhappy
Very very very very very
Very very unhappy

Oh, I debits all duh mornin'
An' I credits all duh eb'nin
Until dem ledgers be right

Yes, I am an accountant… and 9 months out of the year I am able to delude myself into denying that I am not only an accountant, but worse than an accountant, an auditor. But these 3 months every year (January through March), fondly refered to as "busy season", beat me back down like an abusive boyfriend... an abusive boyfriend who will somehow manage to sweet talk me into staying one more year through the persuasion of happy hours, free lunches and dinners and plenty of time off. And, what is worse, I always come back.

So, with 5 days left until we are officially done (irregardless of the fact that Q1 is just two weeks away), I am counting down the days, hours and minutes, while singing Leo's song until I am done and finally able to start the healing process. Hope is just around the corner!

My apologies for the lack of fun recently, but I promise to be back in action in no time.

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