Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My European Life

I always figured I would pick up a few "European tendencies" living in Switzerland for 2 years. And I knew that those tendencies would only increase, what with having a German boyfriend. However, after this past weekend of hiking on Saturday (through snow, without a map or trail, up the side of a mountain, with only the reassurance of cold beer at the top to keep me going) and skiing on Sunday, I realized I needed to re-evaluate my European lifestyle. So, for all of those true blooded Americans out there, consider this my confession of my European tendencies.
  • I crave the standard European breakfast of cold cuts, cheese, eggs and bread with butter and honey almost, if not more, than the traditional American breakfast of bacon and eggs or pancakes. I will even get out of bed early on vacation to enjoy in the European breakfast buffet typically offered at every hotel
  • I enjoy a coffee or espresso every afternoon, and prefer to drink it with a slice of home made cake
  • I prefer my salads with just olive oil and sprinkle of salt rather than the heaviness of salad dressing
  • As mentioned in an earlier blog, I own, and wear, leggings and had to stop myself from thinking that a random girl’s outfit, which included green tights, was, while slightly ballsy, something I respected and wished I could pull off
  • I prefer the cute boyshorts to boardshorts on guys
  • I find myself enjoying more techno than I care to admit (and may or may not have some on my party mix on my iPod)
  • I prefer to walk, and when the weather is nice, which granted, is rare, I will walk the 30 minutes home rather than take the tram, and finally
  • I now hesitate when deciding if I would like sparkling or still water with each meal

So, while I am currently losing the "cultural integration" battle in the relationship, I hope to regain some ground when I move home and I have home field advantage.

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