Monday, August 24, 2009

Tour de California with Martin and Betsy (the Rental Car)

Martin and I just ended our 15 day Tour de California which took us fly fishing in Dunsmuir, hitting up the highlights of San Francisco, being beach bums in San Luis Obispo, camping at Lake Pilsbury and relaxing in Tahoe….and of course, no tour of California is complete without a trip to my home town of Lafayette. Like all good things, the trip went by too quickly, but we did manage to squeeze in a few good stories and master our ability to take photos of ourselves using the extended arm technique.

Betsy, our Ford Focus rental car, got us everywhere…a mere 1,905 miles when it was all said and done. She was a trooper for most of the trek, being ever reliable and gas friendly. However, I thought we were going to have to put her down after the dirt road in and out of Lake Pilsbury when the tires (or possibly the breaks) started squealing so loudly that our arrival was heard blocks before we came into sight. And, as if she wasn’t hurting badly enough already, she was rudely rear-ended on the last day of the journey (we were sitting outside my brothers restaurant and were able to watch the poor girl behind us put her car into drive rather than reverse). Yes, Betsy gave her all to us, and for that we thank her.

The stories below are from the travels, posted, as always, chronologically.

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