Sunday, January 3, 2010

Merry Christmas and a Snuggie New Year

Happy New Years everyone! Another great year has passed and another exciting year to look forward to. And despite the Airing of Grievances from a couple of weeks ago, this past holiday season showed me I had plenty to be thankful for both reflecting back on 2009 and looking forward to 2010. Just to name a few things, in 2009: I lived in Europe, fell in love, took a five-month sabbatical from work, became an auntie to so many new babies (Baby Block, Peyer, Colt, Mark, and am still waiting on Baby Worl) reconnected with old friends and met a few new ones in the process, and moved back to San Francisco and right back into my old job and life here. In 2010, I can look forward to many more trips back to Europe, my thirtieth birthday in France, the hope of Martin moving out to California and, as always, catching up with new and old friends where ever they may be.

So what sparked this change of heart, you might ask. It is as simple as spending the holidays in California with friends and family and having Martin come visit for New Years. It also helped that after three grueling weeks at work, I had 9 days off to recover. In the past two weeks I overcame the nightmare of Christmas shopping with a simple, yet festive cab; enjoyed the sunny and warm weather in California knowing it was snowing and cold in Europe (although I did slightly miss having a White Christmas from the past two years): made homemade raviolis on Christmas Eve to compliment the fresh dungenous crab; overdosed on MSG at Dim Sum with the family on Boxing Day; was reminded of the sheer joy and anticipation of Christmas after seeing my 9 year old cousin tear threw her presents in San Luis Obispo; and introduced Martin not only to my new home and neighborhood (with a local happy hour, dinners cooked in and walks along the marina) but to a proper San Francisco style theme party on New Years Eve– Cocktail Attire with Snuggies (the epitome of American culture).

To properly visualize the cab and Snuggies, I have included pictures.

Happy New Years, and hopefully 2010 can live up to the hype.

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