Monday, August 9, 2010

The Elephant Upstairs

An elephant lives directly above me… that or an extremely heavy-footed elephant lover. I have no idea what “she” does up there or who “she” is, but I do know the layout of her apartment better than mine, she tends to pace it nightly.

All is silent until 11pm when she comes home and/or wakes up. From there, she typically walks to the kitchen, then to the living room, back to the kitchen, then living room all the while stomping her feet, practicing her best drill sergeant march. At this point, she typically drops a large jar of coins which hits the ground, bounces a few times, scattering the coins (some which hit the shared radiator) and then approximately 20 minutes is spent walking around the living room picking up the coins. (I will admit the coins are not confirmed, however it is the only logical explanation I can find that would require her to walk around her living room every evening without pause).

Around 11:30pm she walks into the bed room (directly above mine) and blows up an air mattress. Why she still needs an air mattress after living above me for the past 6 months, I again have no idea….it is around this time that I finally fall asleep. What she does after she blows up her bed, I am not sure. The bright side is she is surprisingly quiet each morning.

Now I don’t consider myself that finicky of a person, however I do believe in consideration of others… I have area rugs in both my living room and bed room, I take off my shoes in my apartment and try to walk lightly in the hall way. So I get slightly frustrated when others are less inclined.

Surprisingly though, it took the elephant upstairs to recognize the large elephant in my own room… I seriously miss Martin and our home together. And my dislikes of the apartment (it is noisy, lacks charm and is anti-feng shui) are only exasperated by the fact that Martin isn’t here and the apartment in SF isn’t yet home.

So, in order to fix the problem, Martin and I are going to look for apartments together in the city next time he is out here (conveniently in November, right when my lease is up). And while Martin won’t be living here until May, at least we will have picked out a place together to eventually call home.

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