Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The 5 Minute Catch Up

It should be no surprise that I am horrible about keeping up with people (although Facebook helps immensely) ...and apparently that has now flown through to keeping up with this blog. There has just been so much going on and the stress of it all has killed all of my creativity. And the more overwhelming my life has become, the more daunting it seems to update this blog on the past few months.

But just recently, with less than 10 minutes of a cab ride to home and 7 minutes of battery life left on my cell phone, I was able to have a proper catch up with Erin…it had been 5 months. And it was during those CNN-like rapid-fire questions and answers that I realized that what this blog needed was a 5 minute catch up to get everyone up to speed so we can start again.

So here it goes:

In November, Martin quit his job thereby speeding up his move over to California. At the end of January, Martin made the trek across the pond with his 2 bags and high hopes of getting a visa and job, finally ending our 18 month long distance relationship. February was spent with me working day and night and Martin trying to get settled into his new life in San Francisco. March continued with little luck on the job or visa front for Martin, me starting to re-evaluate my life as an auditor and weekends spent looking for houses ala House Hunters on HGTV. In April we were rejected from 2 house offers and no big news on our “lofty” goals, but our relationship continued to settle into normalcy. And finally in May, we were able to sort out the visa situation for Martin (meaning Martin had to head to Germany for the processing), had our third and final offer get accepted on a house meaning Martin will have a project to work on (more on that to come) and I have transitioned into a new role at work.

With the ambitious goals set out for us in February - visa, job, job and house – I say we are doing surprisingly well. Hopefully things will start to settle down soon, especially once Martin gets back home and we move into our new place.

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