Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Back to the Beginning

After 3 years of dating and just over 5 months of construction, we are back to where we started…a studio apartment and complete chaos!

With the kitchen/living room combo 95% done, we have now shifted our focus to the other side of the house (or as I refer to it, the East Wing) to rebuild the two bedrooms, put in a wall of closets and finish Martin´s office. And so, just weeks after having things somewhat back in order, we have plunged back into demolition mode.

On Thursday, Martin cleared out the office and bedrooms, moving everything into the basement while I tried to consolidate all of the closets into one. Within hours, we had reduced our two bedroom apartment into a functioning studio in the west wing and suddenly it felt like 2008 again…Martin and I began our relationship in 2008 in his studio apartment in Zurich where you would watch TV, make coffee and sleep all within 200 square feet. And so with the East Wing completely under renovation, we are back to the beginning, albeit with a few more yardage.

I am amazed at how well we are functioning within the small space and with only 1 closet… It sort of feels like camping, including the thin layer of dust from demolition of the interior walls and need for a flashlight in the bathroom (yes, Martin cut the power lines)… thankfully the new oven is shiny enough to serve as a mirror in the morning for me to check my outfits before leaving for work. And while it is nice to be this close and living such a simplified life, I am excited to have the full house again.

Happy demolition!

The East Wing (looking from Bedroom 2 into the Master Bedroom and Office)

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