Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bathroom Renovations

On April 29th we began the demolition of our one and only bathroom…What started as a one week project, ended up as four.  With no shower or toilet for those four long weeks, our “camping” experience went from fun to exhausting very quickly.    Below is a quick summary of my “life” under renovation. 

My day would start waking up in our new bedroom, feeling happy with all of the hard work Martin had put into the house so far. I would then pick out my outfit for the day, head downstairs, out the front door and into my neighbor´s house for a shower…unfortunately for her, she left us her key while she was gone on a week-long vacation with a polite offer to use her bathroom while she was gone.

After freshening up, I would head back upstairs through the front door to the bedroom to do my make-up, pick up my shoes and purse…And then it was back downstairs, out the front door, through the basement and up the backstairs to the kitchen (to keep the dust out of at least half of the house, Martin had re-taped the tarp closing off the kitchen and living room).  While in the kitchen, I would eat breakfast with Martin and do my hair and check my outfit in the oven “mirror.”

By 9am, I would already be exhausted from all of the stairs and would need to muster up the strength to go back to through the basement and off to work…if I had forgotten anything on either side of the house, it was considered lost for the day. 

After a few days of this routine, I cried Uncle and moved back home to my parent´s house (because every 30 year old wants to live at home, right?).  Unfortunately, Martin refused to quit and stuck it out for the full time…what he did in those few weeks without a bathroom, I really don’t want to know. 

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