Thursday, September 13, 2012

September 6, 2012– A Big Day

This past week was a whirlwind, marked first and foremost by the date I have been dreading for years - my 32nd birthday on September 6th.   For whatever reason, 32 was my scary age:  it could have been because it marks 10 years out of college and in theory my life should be in order OR for better or worse, 2012 was the year my passport expired and deep down I had always figured I would be renewing it with a new last name.  Needless to say, I was not looking forward to it.   September 6th also marked my one year anniversary with my “new” job.  

And more important than anything else, September 6th was the day Martin proposed!  After 4 years of dating, an international relationship and a newly renovated house, Martin asked me the one question I had not expected on my birthday – will you marry me?

To tell the story properly, you must understand that three and a half years ago I came home from a girl’s weekend in Venice to find a red rose in a Coors Light bottle on my dining room table and a note saying “I love you, there are more in the fridge”. 

It might not seem like a lot, but Coors Lights are incredibly hard to find in Zurich and ridiculously overpriced.  I was beyond hope of falling in love; I was all in.  And so on my 32nd birthday, after a quick joke of not having any plans, Martin took me into our new kitchen, set me on the counter and asked me the question I had wanted to hear since coming home from Venice.   And to make things even more perfect, I was presented with the following:  

It was absolutely perfect and absolutely us.  

We were able to enjoy the rest of the evening in pre-wedding bliss (after a call to the parents - they had been eagerly awaiting the news since Martin left earlier that day with their blessing) and then celebrated with all of our friends that Saturday at our housewarming party. 

Let the planning begin!

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