Monday, December 23, 2013

Bundled Up

While booking our trip to Germany, Martin somehow convinced me that the 7am flight out of London to Dortmund was the best option…It was in fact the only option that allowed us to make the annual mackerel smoking party his friends were having Monday night to smoke the fish Martin and said friends had caught in Norway.   Don’t mind the minor details like the fish that we were to smoke weren’t actually the ones caught (those had to be thrown away after an unfortunate issue with the freezer) or the fact that two of the three fishermen actually don’t eat fish…it was a party, with beer and friends, and we were going to be there.  

Getting there, provided to be a slight challenge.  With the late night in London the night before, followed by the early flight, a completely packed airport at 6am, a completely full flight at 7am and my overpacking and additional bags, I was close to a minor breakdown…you may call it a hangover, I called it stress; I was moments away from losing my contents during the flight.  Once landed, the fun only continued with an “issue“ at customs thanks to Martin’s importing of computer software.  So by the time we got to Martin’s parents house, I had to excuse myself to lay down to gather my nerves and get ready for the smoking.

Last year, the fish were smoked over Easter weekend to allow Martin and me to partake in the festivities.  Back then, I was completely ill-prepared for the experience…With snow on the ground and a cold beer in hand, I was frozen through to the core.  I had not dressed warmly enough for the five hour party held outside during a snow storm.  And my only relief from partial hypothermia was the quick trips inside to use the bathroom. 

This year, I was not going to make the same mistake.  While the weather was forecasted to be in the low 50s, I was still prepared for the storm and was ready to suit up for war (or warmth, either way).  Tights under the jeans, warm wool socks, long johns under a sweatshirt wrapped with a scarf and topped with my big winter jacket. I was mentally and physically prepared.   Or so I thought.  After one hour of fun I was once again cold, granted not freezing like last time, but definitely not comfortable.  Meanwhile everyone else looked fairly content to stand outside all night…everyone except maybe Martin who apparently has gotten a little too used to CA weather. 

Knowing when to throw in the towel, I left early with Martin’s parents and left the hubby there to have his proper manly catch up.

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