Thursday, January 2, 2014

More Indian Food, Less Flights

It took 24 hours into the new year for me to make my new years resolution…but that is getting ahead of the story.

We woke up on January 1 in Inverness and started the New Year off right with a healthy breakfast (half of a grapefruit and poached eggs) and a walk along the river to warm up the body.    We said goodbye to our hosts at the Moyness House (a perfect B&B with delicious breakfasts, sought after sitting room with fireplace and ideal location) and made our way to the bus stop for our 5 hour trip to Aberdeen.  Our stay in Aberdeen was solely due to our 6 am flight out the next morning. 

We arrived in Aberdeen around 5pm and were met by a dark, empty rain soaked town.  The rain was so bad that Martin agreed to take a taxi to the hotel rather than make the 10 minute walk.   We checked in to our room and were in town long enough for a delicious Indian dinner and a 5 hour “nap” before heading to the airport for our long trek home.  That trek began at 4am Scotland time and ended at 2am California time the following day thanks to three flights and a four hour delay.

So my official new years resolutions this year are as follows:  eat more Indian food (it is just too yummy not to) and no more three legged flights.   

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