Friday, February 2, 2018

Momma Monkey Says Shit

Never say never, right?  I should have learned my lesson. 

I joke it was in a moment of weakness that Martin convinced me to have another child, but to be honest I was ready to start the conversation.  And this past fall, with Oskar hitting his stride with walking, talking and being the lovable guy that he is, we were crazy enough to willingly start all over again.  I guess I just didn’t realize how quickly we would go from talking to “oh shit, I am pregnant.”

And yes, unfortunately that was my initial reaction. 

I had a hunch that I might be pregnant over Thanksgiving weekend, but we waited until the following Monday for me to take the at-home test.  And as the little blue cross appeared on the stick, our family changed once again and my winter plans were replaced with near term worries.   My first concern: how to get through the month of December not drinking and not being able to tell people why.  In the two weeks leading up to our trip to Germany I had a work trip to Vegas (including a steak dinner where martinis and red wine are expected), a work party at City Hall, a fancy holiday dinner hosted at my boss’s house, and our annual holiday open house.   And then we had two weeks in Germany where each morning always begins with a plate of cold cuts and unpasteurized cheese and afternoons are spent drinking mulled wine at the Christmas Markets.  It was going to be a challenge. 

My second challenge was hiding the baby bump starting in early January.  Thanks to both the holiday “diet” and the lack of stomach muscles after Oskar, I looked 4 months pregnant after only 8 weeks.  And even with the best attempts at camouflaging the growing belly (scarfs, sweaters, blazers) I still received a few sideways glances and the one bold and dreaded question asked by a coworker.  I ended up caving in a telling everyone around 11 weeks since I couldn’t take it anymore.

And now, since it has become public and my two main concerns are gone, I am so excited!  I might not always act like it (thanks to the constant exhaustion) but I am truly ready to expand our family and give Oskar a sibling to be his confidant and partner in crime for the rest of his life.  

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