Monday, October 29, 2018

From Camping to Glamping

A little over three years ago, Martin and I camped on our property at Timber Cove. We enjoyed the sunrises and sunsets from the bluff that would soon hold our family cottage. This past weekend we returned for my first night in said cottage. And while it is a fully completed structure, I would say the experience was more glamping than enjoying a weekend home. True, I slept on a bed with sheets and we had a working toilet, but that is where things ended... as Martin likes to point out, we still have a ways to go.

With no interior doors, we had to use shower curtains for privacy in the toilet and bedroom. And with no shower door in the bathroom (and the shower curtains being used elsewhere), we forwent showers all together. Our electricity and solar system has been installed however we must have blown a fuse since none of the outlets worked (and none of the light fixtures have been installed).

The goal of the weekend was to install a kitchen (which we did not fully achieve), so meals were prepared outside on our propane stove and eaten on our temporary picnic table on the deck. Dishes were done outside in a large bowl using water from the one spigot under the deck. We also used this water source to wash our hands and brush our teeth since the shower head sprayed water everywhere (due to the lack of the shower doors or curtain).

While Martin worked on the kitchen I entertained the two kids and tried to assist where possible (e.g. putting together the IKEA cabinets). Oskar got to see a few whales as they migrated south for the winter and had a fright when he was greeted by a deer on the grass. And true to camping / glamping form, Oskar had fun playing in the dirt and bathing in a bucket.

 Putting together the kitchen...

When we camped here three years ago, we enjoyed the sunset with a glass of champagne on the bluff in camping chairs. This time around, we enjoyed the sunset with a warmish beer on our deck in camping chairs. I hope next time I enjoy the sunset at Timber Cove it is on our deck of our house that has a fully functioning kitchen and bathroom... at that point I will break out the champagne again.

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