Sunday, October 7, 2018

My Love Affair Continues

A little over ten years ago I spent a weekend in Amsterdam with Erin. I don’t remember much including how I got there, (I am assuming I flew) or much of the city or trip... I actually had to reread my blog to jog my memory, and according to that, I took a canal tour, which I have no recollection of, and we stayed in a cute apartment. I do remember a cute boutique shop where I bought a coat hanger, a Mexican restaurant claiming to be the best in Europe and loving the city, vowing to return.

We spent two days in the city (okay more like two nights and one and a half days since we missed our first train) and while a completely different experience than the boondoggle with Erin (or so I assume) the time spent there only solidified my love for Amsterdam. I am ready to move here. Or at least spend a month getting to know the city. 

Amsterdam might be known for its red light district and coffee shops (or at least it is in my circle of friends), however it is also incredibly family friendly. With the chance of rain in the forecast (it ended up raining both days) I spent some time researching things to do with kids in bad weather (since drinking in a pub was not really an option) and I was amazed by all of the activities and places for kids to go.  And when the rain let up, there were playgrounds on every corner it seemed for Oskar…There was even one out front of our Airbnb apartment. And even better there was a cafe on the corner where, according to our host, parents sit outside with a glass of wine to watch their kids play. 

But what really sold me on the idea of moving to Amsterdam with kids was our experience on the bus... as soon as I boarded the bus holding Oskar in my arms, two people got up to offer me their seats. And another got up to offer Martin, with Alva strapped to his chest, a seat. No need to ask, no need to stare at someone awkwardly until they noticed. The people seemed genuinely happy to give up their seats for kids. I have never experienced this before and am officially ready move.

Below are a few photos of our final two days in Europe.
Loving my Oskar snuggles on the train  ride to Amsterdam
Bubbles at the NEMO Science Museum!

First floor of five and already impressed...

Building something cool...

Different perspectives...
Who is bigger?

Can't forget about Alva!

Loving the rain and puddles. 

Enjoying the view from our apartment

1 comment:

Braden and Anna said...

Love this! I could totally see you all living there. Miss you!