Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Sunday Chronicle

For over 12 years I have enjoyed my Sunday mornings reading the San Francisco Sunday Chronicle. It started as a Christmas present from my parents, along with an individual French press coffee maker, when I was living by myself in my studio apartment in Cow Hollow. I would spend those Sunday mornings curled up in my arm chair reading every inch and page of the newspaper while sipping my home brewed coffee. Who knew, I might find inspiration for my next trip hidden inside the Travel section or learn about the hot new trends in the Style section. The rest of the day was spent working through the weekly crosswords in the pink section, while trying not to sneak a peek at the answers.

After a quick pause while in Zurich (delivery over there would have been a bit decadent) I resumed my subscription and routine (thanks again to my presents) when I returned to San Francisco. With Martin still in Zurich, I once again enjoyed my newspaper and coffee each week, only this time with a little more focus on the Real Estate section. Martin and I were looking to buy a house.

Fast forward two years and my Sunday mornings were spent in our newly purchased house in North Beach with the weekly Chronicle while Martin was out on his weekly six hour bike ride. I still loved the Real Estate section (marveling at how lucky we were to buy our home when we did) however I spent a few extra hours savoring the Food and Wine section. I loved cutting out the recipes (although in honesty I think I have only made one or two of the many saved) and I would immediately book reservations for any featured restaurant that looked good. Thanks to the Chronicle we checked out multiple three star restaurants before they were overly popular and you could no longer get a reservation.

This past weekend I realized just how much of a constant the Chronicle has been in my life but also how much my reading experience has changed over the years. With two kids spicing up our lives, my leisurely Sunday morning routine has been upended. I still read the First Page section (taking in the national and global news) and I now actually glance at the Business section to see if anything is pertinent to my job. The Travel section is just a mocking reminder that we no longer travel anywhere but Germany to see the family. And the Food and Wine section just tells me about all of the amazing new restaurants that have opened that I will never go to.

Yes, I still read the newspaper and drink my morning coffee, however it is either broken up over the course of the day (when I get a quick break or when Oskar goes down for his nap). But more than likely it is the over the course of the week and sometimes on the following Saturday that I am finally able to enjoy the pleasure of the Sunday Chronicle.  In fact as I write this, last week’s Chronicle is staring at me to be read.   By the time I get around to reading it the only thing still relevant is the Pink section and the faithful crossword, which I am happy to report takes less cheating these days than when I first started the routine.

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