Monday, June 17, 2019


Did you know that Zingst and the surrounding area of Mecklenburg-Pomeranie in Germany is the most popular vacation spot in Germany?! More so than Munich? I did not. And it is these statements, among many that I have heard over the years that make it hard for me to believe my father-in-law when he rattles off some unknown fact. When I pressed him for details, like is it the most popular for Germans, Europeans or everyone I couldn’t get a clear answer. So I took to google and confirmed: The area of Mecklenburg-Pomeranie, known for its beach resorts, is a very popular destination for Germans.

And yes while it was a full twenty hour trek to get there, and the weather when we arrived did not immediately bring to mind beach weather (raining, windy and cold), it was a really nice week. Below are some of the highlights in photos.

Our first full day there... it was cold and windy and we were the only ones on the beach.  All I could think was "my in-laws are crazy if this is their idea of a beach vacation" 
The weather improved the rest of the trip and the crowds arrived on the beach

Oskar learned how to fly a kite!

The highlight of the trip for Oskar... flying in both the police and fire helicopters at the harbor festival 

Alva taking in the sun... in the shade

Maybe a little too much fun in the sun...

Fun times at the house
Until next time Zingst

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