Tuesday, May 18, 2021

No rules weekend!

After 14 months of lock down and a few solo weekends away by yours truly, Martin finally got to have a few nights to himself. Before you judge me or assume I haven’t let Martin leave, I would like to state for the record, that I have in fact encouraged him on multiple occasions to take some time for himself to get away and relax.  And any delays or hold ups have been solely on his side.

So on Friday he drove up to Timber Cove leaving Oskar, Alva and me alone and at home in San Francisco until Monday morning. With Mama, in charge it was a no rules weekend!

  • We had take out for dinner two of the three nights (sushi and Nepalese)
  • And for the one night I “cooked” we had my favorite dinner from growing up when my parents went out for the night: fish sticks and tater tots (okay, so I am not a babysitter, but Oskar requested it)
  • We snuggled on the couch while watching more than one movie.
  • We rode bikes on the playground and had lunch outside with Grandma and Grandpa.
  • We played Legos, read books, had fun crazy bath times and stories in bed.
  • We FaceTimed with Blake and Dana and looked at Blake’s lego collection.
  • And we FaceTimed with Anj and Lilah which turned into a show and tell of their favorite toys and subsequently turned into a toddlers book club.

Overall it was super fun. The more I let go of the rules and the less stressed I was, the more they listened and were willing to help. Dinner table manners might not have been up to Martin’s standards but the basic rules were observed and each meal was super relaxed with lots of giggles. Bedtimes might have been a little later, pajamas might have been worn past lunchtime, screen time might have hit an all-time high and we might have spent a lot on takeout. But we had fun, we had a lot of snuggles and I got to take a break and just enjoy being a mom with no other obligations or distractions for once.

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