Wednesday, January 3, 2024

To The Mountains, with no Snow

What do you do in Arnold CA when there is no snow? You improvise. And make do with what you got. 

We spent a day at Columbia State Park mining for gold, eating old fashioned candy and reliving core memories from your fourth grade field trip. 

We skied, sort of. Alva and I might not have skied for long but we did enjoy 90 minutes on the sun deck eating snacks and drinking hot tea. 

I attempted ice skating and, after one lap around the pond desperately clinging on to Martin for stability, I decided I had no desire to continue. My children decided to inform me that if I gave up, I would never learn and that I shouldn’t be afraid to fall since falling is part of the process. It really does suck when they use your words against you. 

And I learned a very fun fact about my mother in law: she always travels with both a potato peeler and a paring knife.  Did I mention she is German? 

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