Today I cried for the loss of a woman whom I never met, didn’t spend much time thinking about and never really appreciated how much she impacted my life.
Today I cried for the loss of RBG and all of the advancements she helped advocate and secure for women.
Today I cried at the thought that those things are now threatened and from the feeling of helplessness to stop it.
Today I cried for my 80 cents on the dollar.
Today I cried for the fear of my freedom as a woman to choose what is best for me.
Today I cried for POC and immigrants and the LGBTQ community whose actual lives are threatened every day and the impact it must have on their health, personality, their entire being.
Today I cried for all of things that have been taken away from us these past few months by a faceless disease and the incompetency of those in D.C. who are more concerned with getting re-elected than the lives of the people they are entrusted to serve.
Today I cried for the realization that those who run the country don’t value or care about me and probably never will as long as they view my right to life, liberty and justice as an infringement upon theirs.
Today I cried, and cried some more, and cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. And then I began to research, I began to prioritize, I began to do all of those things that matter so much but I never found the time. Today I found time. Today, I found my voice and I will use it to prevent my tears from falling in the future.