Saturday, September 12, 2020

A Sense of Normalcy

It took a two hour conversation with Martin to work out the details and a follow up conversation with the parents to lay down the ground rules. Negotiations were had, compromises were made and the plans were in motion. We were going to spend some indoor quality time with my parents up at Dunsmuir. Close proximity and hugging and all.

And those four days were amazing... It almost felt normal. So much so that, similar to my pregnant stress dreams of accidentally drinking while pregnant, I had stress dreams of forgetting about COVID... you know, I am at a crowded indoor bar or at a large birthday party hugging and dancing with all of my friends and family and then all of a sudden I realize that we are still in the midst of a pandemic and I should be wearing a mask and keeping six feet of distance outside.

All kidding (?) aside the time spent with my parents made me realize how much I missed them and reminded me to never take the time with them for granted ever again. It was truly the most basic moments during the four days that will stay in my heart forever: Alva crawling up on the couch to sit on Grandpa’s lap within an hour of their arrival, Oskar sewing masks with Grandma, walks with Kona and Grandma in the evenings, Oskar catching his first fish with Grandpa and Martin. And even just the quick 30 minute therapy session with my mom in the kitchen with wine when the kids were... well I am not sure what they were doing.

It was perfection in its simpleness.

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