Friday, October 8, 2021

The Mom Profit

I never quite understood why my Dad loved to tell stories about his crazy college days and all of the shenanigans him and his “Animal House” fraternity brothers would get up to. It seemed every time he had a moment of nostalgia, he would start to tell one of his many stories about breaking into a bar, breaking out of a bar, stealing a cop car or allude to the one story he could never tell us.

I never quite understood this habit until this past Friday in San Diego. It was there that Erin, Neff and I caught up on life and reminisced about all of the shenanigans we got up to in college and shortly thereafter. And even more so, how the next generation will never understand how much fun we had despite, and probably because of, not having cell phones, social media and the maturity to know better.

And from these memories and desire to share them not only with our kids (who will surely roll their eyes at us) but also anyone else who wants to understand the simpler time of our unicorn generation of Xennials, we hatched our plan for a podcast. Not the most unique idea we realize but it should be a fun one. We will call it the Mom Profit and instead of making money or donating any money to a non-profit we will take all proceeds and give them to groups of girlfriends who need a vacation from their mom life.

I am buying a microphone and hope to record a few sessions over the winter and at our 20 year reunion in SLO in the spring. Stay tuned!

For reference, Xennials are defined as being born sometime between 1977 and 1983 and can be read about here.  

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