Sunday, January 2, 2022

A New Holiday tradition

This year, through a suggestion from my high school friend Nickie, we started a new tradition at New Years.  It is that of destroying and then actually eating our gingerbread houses.

For the past few years we have made gingerbread houses with the kids and every year, they sit on our kitchen counter until mid-January when we finally get annoyed cooking around them and we throw the whole thing away.  Instead, this year, we gave the kids the option to try and break their houses and then eat a few pieces before it was thrown away. 

While the videos of Nickie’s kids are fun: each boy smiling while he smashes his house easily with his fist, ours was not so photo ready.  I will blame the German engineering. All four of us tried to break the houses and all four of us failed.  The construction was too sound and the house possibly too stale to break.  We ended up turning the house over to break from the inside out.

The end result was the same.  Another sugar high for the two kids thanks to Christmas.

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