Wednesday, June 28, 2023


I have been hesitant to post this one. It is just too much of a gem to share broadly, but then again, I really don’t think my reader base of 10 people will be the tipping point of exposing the broader world to this amazing program. 

In short, for the past few months, we have spent our Sundays up in Napa for the kids to participate in a BMX “class”.  And it has been so much more fun than I could have ever expected or imagined. 

Oskar signed up with a few friends for the early spring five week session back in March where he learned the basics of BMX racing from an Olympic bronze medalist and experienced a huge boost in confidence. And after seeing Oskar receive a trophy at the end of the program Alva announced she was going to participate in the next session despite previously not knowing or wanting to learn how to ride a bike. 

The first week of Session Two Alva was hesitant but loved going around the track on her balance bike with Martin running by her side. Even more, she loved the hi fives she got after each race from Donny the director of the program. 

Before week two began, Donny reached out to encourage Alva to start using her pedals and that was all she needed. A day of practice at Joe D playground and the pedals were officially back on the bike. 

And by week five she was pedaling around before, during and after each practice and Martin was able to let her go on her own for over half of the track.  She just needed a little external encouragement to make it happen and she is now unstoppable. 

Oskar has also really excelled and improved: placing second in his Moto even after missing an entire day of races for Nascar. 

What I originally perceived as an inconvenience (having to wake up early every Sunday to drive to Napa for the day) has now turned into my favorite thing to do. 

Session 1, cheering on Oskar

Session 2, Week 1

Session 2, Week 2 (at the top of the Gate)

Going on her own!

Living her best life

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